Love 2 Be Personal’s Return Policy


Our products are made to order and to your specification, we can only accept returns if the product is physically damaged or defected. If your product arrives damaged, you must notify us within 14 days of receiving your product with an image showing the physical damage or defect .

If we have determined that a refund is due, your refund will be processed within 7 days. Where exchange rates of currency are involved, the Refund will be made in the currency used when you paid for the order. Love 2 Be Personal does not accept responsibility for any loss or gain caused by changes in the exchange rate between the time of Ordering and the time of issuing the Refund.

If you haven’t received a refund within 14 days of us notifying you about your refund being issued, please, check your bank account again and contact your bank or credit card company. If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us.


Love 2 Be Personal’s Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

All Love 2 Be Personal’s English translated books will be provided using both British English Spelling and Wordings. If you are purchasing our books for use in a Country in which American English Spelling and Wordings are more common, you should be aware of those differences. All Love 2 Be Personal’s book artwork and text (templates) can be previewed whilst creating the personalised book.


Customers Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Love 2 Be Personal allows you to insert your own personal text into our templates, therefore Love 2 Be Personal is not responsible for error types including, but not limited to: spelling errors, real-word spelling errors, typographical errors, unwanted words, missing words, prepositional errors, punctuation errors, and many of the grammatical errors. It is your responsibility to proofread your text before making a purchase.


Customers Personal Images Uploaded

Love 2 Be Personal allows you to upload your own images. It is recommended that all uploaded images are 300dpi as this will be “print ready” quality. Love 2 Be Personal is not responsible for your personal images added that may print blurred or pixelated due to customer uploaded images being less than 300dpi. Love 2 Be Personal does not compress or edit any images uploaded and prints your images in the quality uploaded.