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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is safe to make payments on our website. We prioritize the security of our customers’ payments by implementing robust measures. We use trusted and reputable payment processors, such as PayPal, known for their industry-leading security features. Our website is equipped with SSL encryption to protect your data during transmission. We continuously monitor transactions for any fraudulent activity and comply with industry standards. Additionally, we offer customer support and protection to address any payment-related concerns promptly. Your security and peace of mind are our top priorities. Learn More

We accept all major credit cards and debit cards. We also have the option to pay via PayPal.

If you do not wish to use the same photo twice, you will need 11 personal photos in order to create your book.

As these products are personalised, the processing time can range between 3-5 business days. Once the product has been produced, shipping will be between 2-3 business days. We aim to have your products delivered within 8 days of you placing your order.

On completion of your order you will automatically be sent and invoice.

Yes of course! All digital files we sent are high-resolution and ready to be printed. As you already have the digital file, you can save money printing the file. Below is a link to our products which allow you to print your image directly onto the product.

Once we receive your order, we immediately begin processing the order. Depending on what your product is will depend on how the order is processed. For personalised portraits, your photo and requirements are sent to our artist, who will begin drawing your portrait. For most other products, your order is sent to our graphic designers to prepare it for printing.

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